Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sometimes within the sunshine there is darkness that is not always talked about and sometimes within the darkness there is sunshine

Sometimes within the sunshine there is darkness that is not always talked about and sometimes within the darkness there is sunshine that we forget to focus on or don’t see it till someone else helps us to see it. I have created this blog to look at some of the dark moments BUT then to also look at some of the moments of sunshine! 

I also want to share ways that I have found to help see the joy and the sunshine more and not always focus the times of darkness.  We are all truly blessed to have this life and I think sometimes we forget that.

A little background I come with an abundance of knowledge of having 3 children with all different forms of special needs and sometimes are a large focus in my personal life. I remarried in the summer of 2015 and between the 5 of us; we all share some level of anxiety disorders.  We are learning daily how to work with the different anxieties and some days are a little more crazy and fun than others, but there truly is a sense of love within our home for each of our differences.

A bit more about me I graduate from Lethbridge college in 2014 with a diploma in Special Needs Educational Assistant and then after working a year in the field I decided I wanted a little more. So, I am currently attending Mount Royal University in the Child Studies program minoring as a Child and Youth Care counsellor.

Take a little peace from each day and remember that behind the clouds the sun is always there.